Shlomo Palnitsky

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+972 529 455809
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Shlomi lives in Israel with his wife and 3 daughters. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Logistics and Economics and a Master's degree in National Security. He is a retired Major as a technical officer in the Israeli Air Force who currently works as the Director of Training Development at the Israeli Diving Federation (TIDF). He is a TIDF and DAN Instructor Trainer and an ECCR Tech Diver and a certified technician from most major diving equipment manufacturers and a MARES technical instructor.
Shlomi represents Israeli Standards Institute as an ISO/TC 222/WG 1 "Diving Services" expert and is certified as an auditor for the certification of diving centers to the ISO standards. He plans to train the future generation of inspectors with PSI-PCI Visual Cylinder Inspection courses in Israel in order to raise the level of awareness and safety related to the use of diving equipment and diving cylinders in particular.